Development of Minimum Viable Products (MVP)

Do you have an idea for a breakthrough application? The preparation of MVP – Minimum Viable Product is the ideal start of its development. Through it you can find how the users view your idea and if it is work implementing it in full. Using the collected data, further development will continue through MMP– minimum marketable product up to the final version of the application.


Feedback is crucial in MVP development; either directly from you or from the users themselves. Based on it, the product can be corrected and lead in the right direction in the early stages. The idea for the application is not always thought out to the last detail in the beginning. It is important to find the right direction during the development, based on actual requirements.

Identification of Problems and Their Solution

When developing MVP you can encounter cases, where the specification of the product solves the problem in a certain way, but the user does not like this way and he is having issues using the functionalities. In this case, it is best to adjust the processes in the application, in order to suit your users as much as possible.

Agile Development

Normally, we plan our work in weekly sprints. This procedure ensures sufficient flexibility during the development and the option of simple control of the direction, in which your new application will head. We use state-of-the-art technologies for the development and we pay attention to the highest possible level of security.

Advantages of MVP

  • Faster and less costly development
    the application is developed at a pace, which suits your needs and possibilities
  • risk reduction
    you have the option to correct the development in the right direction after each feedback you get
  • better reaction options
    in the agile development methodology, based on weekly sprints, you always have the option to set the priority for your key processes at the time
  • easier search for an investor
    thanks to a functional MVP, it will be easier for you to find and address an investor, which will help you finance further development

Based on the extent, we can provide the development of a basic MVP application within one month.